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Budding Up

I was one of four artists in this Pigeon for this project.

We was given a professional brief as part of a university course and worked in collaboration with Interreg I2I and InGame International to create a mobile game to help groups that are vulnerable to social isolation. 

Budding up is a multiplayer mobile game that was created in the middle of the lockdown with the target audience consisting of groups that would be  vulnerable to social isolation. Players work with someone else taking turns in order to plant and care for several flowers. 

Despite working remotely, I was able to keep a consistent and motivated pace with this project and being a reliable team member. 

As one of four artists in the team, I tackled animation and most of the artwork for the user interface including symbols and buttons and even the logos and the drawing of all of the members that you can see on the game page.  I also kept minutes and notes of the all the meetings and made sure that the team could access them whenever needed. You can see the finalised work I have done in the images below where you can click on them to get more information about them.



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