Goblin Time Artwork
I was commissioned to create art for a series of live streams of a D&D campaign held in early 2021 for the Abertay Roleplay Society.
There was 6 episodes streamed before the series ended due to time and work commitments for multiple players.

The artwork shown here is the work that I created and includes the logo, characters and the animation used at breaks.
I worked with everyone who was a part of this group in order to design their characters and worked on making sure that they was happy with the design along with making each character feel unique and easier to tell apart in the line up. These character illustrations had a unified look across all of the characters and was used to show who played what characters and the tokens for combat.
I had free reign over any ideas for the animation used in breaks and decided that a campfire was the best fit as it would fit into the setting as campfires are normally associated with resting in various roleplaying games. The addition of the stone dice allowed for the scene to appear more filled and make the animation feel more connected to the game. Also by not including any characters or any references to them, the animation can be used across different games without the worry of needing to be constantly updated as character enter and leave the campaign.